Goki Kobayashi upcoming fight is confirmed and take place with opponent Yuni Takada. The fight will be part of the Inoue vs Kim pay-per-view.
Boxers | Purses |
Goki Kobayashi | $75k |
Yuni Takada | $75k |
Goki Kobayashi, purse for the upcoming fight will be upto $75k based on his past fight record and contract deal with promotion. He previously defeated opponent Joseph Sumabong for WBO Asia Pacific Straweight title.
Yuni Takada, made a proper comeback to the boxing after his fight drawn with opponent Yoshiki Yamashita. He later retain his winning streak of seven fights which include title fights against opponent Katsuki Mori and Shunsuke Isa. Yuni Takada purse for the fight reported to be $75k for fight against opponent Goki Kobayashi.