Taylor Starling is one of the professional fighters to watch this weekend in BKFC pay-per-view. She will be fighting opponent Bec Rawlings in non-title. The fight between these two is part of the main-card of BKFC Knuckle Mania 5.
Boxers | Purses |
Taylor Starling | $50k |
Bec Rawlings | $75k |
Taylor Starling, recently lost her title fight from opponent Britain Beltran Hart. She is looking for another opportunity and she got it one against the number one contender Bec Rawlings. Based on her contract her purse will be $50k for fight against Bec Rawlings.
Bec Rawlings lost back to back two major pay-per-view fights in BKFC, Christine Ferea both fights for title and the purse is upto $100k. This upcoming weekend when she return to BKFC her earnings will be $75k. Further details regarding to Taylor Starling Bec Rawlings purse.