Marcos Degli is one of the top fighters to watch at LFA 201, his fight take place with opponent Lincon Santos. The fight between these two is for the LFA Interim Flyweight Championship title.
Fighters | Purses |
Marcos Degli | $8k |
Lincon Santos | $5k |
Marcos Degli, currently undefeated in his LFA career he fight three opponents since making debut, this upcoming weekend when Marcos Degli will return to LFA his purse will be $8k for the fight. Further He will make more money from the fight if he wins the fight from Santos which include $8k win bonus.
Lincon Santos, eyeing on the title LFA Interim Flyweight Championship, he is hopeful to become the new title holder this weekend, his purse for the fight will be $5k and if win his fight his purse will rise to $10k which include $5k win bonus.